In Light of it All there is a Sigh, that can be RELIEVED

USUI REIKI: $75 60 minutes 
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands, although the practitioner does not necessarily touch the patient, and a session can be delivered as distance healing, since in the quantum field, there s no time or space restriction. Usui is the label that categorizes the traditional approach channeled by Mikao Usui a hundred years ago. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. What reiki does is to clear blockages in the energy centers and the aura so that this vital force energy can flow undiluted to all areas of the emotional, physical, and spiritual body.


KARUNA REIKI: $75 60 minutes 

Karuna Reiki ®is similar to Usui Reiki in the sense that it channels universal energy and helps attain a state of relaxation and piece in your whole body. However, Karuna is a system that has a higher vibrational approach than what we’re used to in Usui Reiki.
 This Reiki system is especially used for healing the heart chakra and release any repressed emotions (such as grief, stress, frustration, or deeply held trauma) safely, gradually, and peacefully. Learning how to accept, understand, and forgive is the core of Karuna Reiki ®

AKASHIC RECORDS: $75 60 minutes 
Your Akashic Record or soul book is like a living, etheric data base which contains not only information about your current life-time, details about the lives you have lived in the past, and what you intend for the future, but every alternative timeline, path not taken and every possible opportunity in between.
By accessing your akashic record, you can get answers to any burning questions in order to understand the reason why something happened, or you can also unlock a specific area of your life, not only by receiving information, but by bringing light to any memories or areas that you would like to heal.
  DOWSING HEALING $100 60 minutes 
  This type of healing uses a combination of a crystal pendulum and a Hebrew pendulum (made of wood, which uses labels with Hebrew letters with a solar vibration) to identify and cleanse dense energies and harmonize and reprogram your energy field on a physical , mental and emotional level.
It unlocks the connection channel with the divine source, as it enhances the abilities and gifts of each individual., as dormant strands of your DNA will be strengthened by this technique
It detects and treats miasmas and larvae (energy attached to the energy field).
It reprograms the body at the cellular, genetic, metabolic, and chemical level and facilitates healing.
It cleanses dense energies and combats situations of dark magic, evil eye, limiting energy implants or
any other kind of “bad fortune.”  It allows you to cancel contracts, votes, and promises either from present life or from other past ones. Similarly, it locates and heals ancestral blockages. It also treats and cures situations related to
karma and ancestral curses. It unlocks, cleans, activates and balance the body’s Chakras, that is, the energetic points we all have. It detects and repairs possible cracks in the aura, as it cleanses, balances, and restores this field.
 It helps break down negative thought patterns and beliefs.
 ENERGY CORD CUTTING: $100 60 minutes 

This energy healing modality combines visualization, astral surgery, dowsing, tachyon healing, affirmations, and a guided meditation to release energetic or karmic attachments to people, jobs, lovers, past-life promises, or any kind of relationships that have ended or will end and that no longer serve your highest purpose and or are depleting you of energy. It also applies for people who cannot physically end a relationship (namely a family or employer-employee relationship) but want to mitigate the effects or energy vampirism or toxic environments, as well as for those who have worked on energy blockages with other techniques but seem to be stuck in a specific area (love, finances, etc)

Session includes follow-up exercises to be carried out on the client’s own time for 21 days.
CRYSTAL HEALING: $75 50 minutes 

Crystal healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client (or a diagram, with the client’s name) to help unblock, focus and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way, as when energy becomes stagnant, unbalanced, or blocked, it can cause illness.
You will be sent an online crystal healing session questionnaire prior to the session so you can also communicate your requested areas of healing focus. After the session, a report will be compiled for you regarding the details of the chakras that were blocked and rebalanced, as well as any intuitive input that may have been revealed during your healing session. Crystal recommendations that will best suit your healing needs will also be included.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 248-767-7754
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